31st April 2013
A Style Project Talk with Sadikin Gani at Epicentrum, Jakarta
It was very exciting to finally talk with Mas Sadikin about fashion and style, because I know he has a strong opinion about what style is and how fashion influence and affects today''s lifestyle. It's always great to be able to brain storm and share ideas with great people that knows what they're doing and talking about. Definitely something I want to do more with other people. This way we can all share our knowledge and hopefully advance the fashion industry in Indonesia.
More on his site HERE also in a post I wrote HERE
23 Sept 2013 Interview with Raben from The Marketeers for the segment, Community Talk; to talk about Fashion, and the Blogsphere
Listen HERE
ROOTSBABE; 25th Jan 2014 5-7.30PM
gooooood music + great peeps = fun time.
Music brings people togetha!
Thank you guys for having me, appreciate it. Love, ash5_ :)
p.s: definitely coming back, I had so much fun!
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 13th, 2014
Going to the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Amsterdam must have been one of the biggest highlight of my life. Definitely feeling more blessed. I'm now could be more confident in what I want to do, in my dreams and what I believe in. Thank you for the opportunity Ms Esther Mees, Dorhout Mees.
National Batik Day

Photos by Virdi
Kementerian Perindustrian RI
Jakarta, Indonesia October 2nd 2014
Honored to be able to participate, and modelling Batik Sogan by Parang Kencana for National Batik Day. An event that was held by Yayasan Batik Indonesia and was attended by Indonesia's First Lady, Ibu Ani Yudhoyono.

June 24th, 2015
Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Indonesia
Honored to have represented Danar Hadi for Gelar Batik National 2015 alongside Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata 2015, Puteri Indonesia Kepulauan Jawa 2015 and Miss International Indonesia 2013.